Thursday, December 17, 2009

Eddie Borgo on How to Make His Jeweled Pumpkin


Carving knife and spoon
Jewelry studs (Borgo recommends or M&J Trimming)
Krylon matte black spray paint

1. Pick your pumpkin at the local market. Borgo likes his medium-size, symmetrical, and round.
2. Empty out the seeds and pulp and begin to carve the face.
3. Try to accentuate the cutout shapes by studding around them, pushing the spikes into the shell of the pumpkin. Borgo likes to start with the eyes, followed by the nose; the mouth comes last. 
4. After the face is completely studded, use Krylon matte black spray paint over the whole pumpkin to make it deep, deep black.

1 comment:

Rachat de credit said...

It has been a great help, thank you so much, now to make his jeweled pumpkin is very easy with your tips. Kudos